At the end of the week…

Oisin and Alina

Rain warrior

Today was very wet at the animal rescue centre. I can just about see out.


This is Odin. He is a little old and lovely to walk.


Richie asked my dad to brush him. Look at all that hair.


This is one of the puppies. Richie was taking them to the vet and I was helping. He gave very nice kisses




These are two new dogs. I can’t remember their names but they are really playful.

Stop that licky licky




Here is my dad being licked to death by the dogs

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Might rain

My Dad came to see me on Wednesday and he said that on Saturday we would go to the dog rescue centre and cycle in the woods. I asked him could we spent the same time in each and then play some Minecraft. He said “ya”.

We were driving to the dogs when it started to rain but Dad said “Let’s get there and see what it is like”. It rained a little bit but I’m glad we went.

Some of the dogs had found new homes and there were some new dogs.

This is Bernie, he is a Beagle and he is so playful. Oisin ran around with Bernie. Look at Oisin’s clean tracksuit.20160206_103347

I do not know this dog’s name but Oisin really liked him. Look at Oisin training him.


He had another dog in his pen and he is a rascal. His hair is very soft and he wants to play all the time. I liked him.


This is me with Astra. She is my favourite dog. This morning I told Grandma I was going to take a dog home. She said “but Tess and Felix won’t like that”. I said I will bring the dog to your house. Grandra said “but when you two go home I’ll have to clean the poo and feed them”. I said “What is wrong with that?”

I love Astra.20160206_111902


My cat Felix got a really bad cut and my mum brought her to the vet. He knocked her out and stitched her cut. I was scared for Felix.

This is me collecting her from the vet.


My Dad drove Felix to my house and then we went to the woods. It was very wet in the woods and I don’t have mudguards on my bike. This is my back. Nice bit of muck.20160206_145417

This is my front. More nice muck.20160206_145814

This is the only clean bit of me. 20160206_150932

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Grandma came

My grandma came with us to the animal shelter. Here I am with her and Astra. I forgot my handbag.


The grass was very wet and slippy. Here I am helping grandma up the hill. Astra is such a good doggie.


Today we saw new doggies. This is Glen. My dad walked him because he was pulling to hard.


This is Aletta and her best friend Aletta. They are monkeys.


Look at them play with my dad hat.

This is a new doggie called Hestor. He is like Astra. She is so gentle.


Grandma treated us to lunch. Oisin was being a monkey.


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Mucky bum

Today we went to the dog centre. We walked six dogs, Ben and Jerry who are cheeky monkeys, Marvin, Tommy, Harry and Astra.

Ben and Jerry escaped when Oisin was putting them into their kennel. They pushed their way through his legs. Oisin ran into the bottom field. My dad and I ran to get three leads and then we ran to the bottom field. Two of the girls were down there helping Oisin. Eventually they came out the the hedge and we got their leads on. We had to carry them both back.


We had some sandwiches that my dad made. After that we walked more dogs.

I was running down the hill and I slipped. My bum landed on a soft cushion of doggie poo.

Here is the poo

Here is my bum

Here is Marvin trying to help me

This is me with Harry.


This is Oisin with Harry.


Here I am with Astra. I want to take her home. She is lovely.


Look how she walks with me

A mummy doggie had all these puppies.


I’m sad because this is the last time I will see Marvin. He goes to a new home next week.

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The new Martin Luther King

My school project this week is to write my own Martin Luther King speech. My topic is global warming and my dad helped me. He suggested some topics and explained the difference between global warming and ozone depletion.

Here is my speech. I hope no one shoots me like they did Mr. King.


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Deep in concentration

Today my bother and I went to my uncle’s farm. His mammy was there. Phyllis. I love her, she is really funny.

We were late home and my dad helped me with my homework. It took ages.

Here is me working on my homework. I look tired


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We’ll take them all home

Today we went to the KWWSPCA again. It was lots of fun and we can’t wait to go back next week. My brother came this time and really enjoyed himself. We walked 7 doggies. The first two doggies, Ben and Jerry were monkeys. They like to hunt rabbits.

Here are Ben, Jerry and Marvin.


I can’t believe that Ben escaped from his harness and legged into the farm next door. We had to take Jerry and Ben back to their kennels and tell Richie about Ben. “Oh don’t worry, he’s always doing this, we’ll find him.

Here is Jerry’s taxi home.


Oisin was worried about Jerry being lonely so he locked himself in with him. He looks really happy.


Oisin and all volunteers climbed into the field next door looking for Ben but the lady next door found him sniffing at her chickens. Richie went and got Ben.

Look at the other dogs we walked today. Our favourites were Marvin and Benson. Look at Marvin trying to stand on my dad’s head. And if Tommy’s legs were long enough he would be up there too.


This is Benson. He looks so like my doggie Tess only he’s a boy.


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This is Cassidy.

Today I went to the KWWSPCA animal shelter and I saw loads of dogs. Me and my dad walked the dogs around the muddy fields.

My daddy got very dirty because Cassidy pulled him into the muck going down the hill. Look at his trousers.



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This is my second year to perform with the Staplestown choir. We sang all the usual Christmas songs and some medieval ones too.

I could get used to this dicky bow


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Illuminating the season

I wanted to make my mum a present for Christmas so I asked my dad to help me. We decided to make an owl and my dad said why don’t we make it a lamp. This was a really good idea. My dad got some cardboard roll from his workshop and my grandma helped me find a good picture of an owl on her computer.

I drew the owl on the roll and my dad cut the cardboard because the knife was very sharp. This time he did not cut himself.


Then he did the lights with leds. Those are light emitting diodes.


Here I am with grandma and she is helping me paint the owl.


Here is me mixing paint. Grandma wanted to use oil paint but it would not dry. My dad had to clean it all off and this time we used a wall tester my dad bought in woodies for one euro. I dropped the pot on the floor in woodies and it made a big mess.


My dad put a switch on the back of the owl so my mum can turn it on and off. It takes four AA batteries.


This is my owl lamp finished. It looks cool.

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